It Is A Band. Sing Along. Yay.
Hideous Supermodels
Oh, Hideous Supermodels. Their music is the sort of thing you stumble upon, like a half-finished love letter left on a park bench. There’s no swagger, no forced edge—it simply invites you to lean in, like someone about to share a particularly good piece of gossip.
The lyrics? They’re bits of stories that feel like they were plucked from a dozen slightly-too-loud coffee shop conversations. Sticky, like cheap caramel. You might initially reject it, but don’t be surprised when you want more.
And the sound? It’s analog, warm and unhurried, like it was made for a handful of close friends in someone’s cluttered basement. The vocals linger, curling around the guitar-driven melodies like smoke from a candle you just blew out, faintly sweet and a little melancholic. It’s deliberate, but never overthought—music that knows exactly what it’s doing, even when it’s pretending not to care.
– Anton Vedomsky
Stream on Spotify
Please listen to our songs eleven thousand times so we can buy ourselves a coffee.
Stream on Apple Music
For people who want to feel superior to Spotify users while having exactly the same experience.
Meet the Band
Paul Goodenough
Carl Emmons
Bass Guitar and Vocals
Nathan Phinney
Guitars and Vocals
What Fans Are Saying
“Hideous Supermodels’ latest release is very loud.”
Alex Thompson
“Their live shows are not as good as the recordings, which are also subpar.”
Julio Perkins
“No one is going to read this anyway, but if they did, I’d prefer you left my name out of it.”